Family Faith-Building Academy

What if you could transfer your faith to your children and feel confident they'd never want to turn away from it? Did you know?

  • Research indicates 70-88% of children raised in Christian homes who regularly attend church still leave the faith by early adulthood–and an alarming percentage never return to their faith.

  • One of the primary reasons youth abandon the Christian faith is because they never personally owned their faith.

  • 35-42 million youths raised in Christian homes will depart from their faith over the next 30 years.

  • So what are the majority of Christian parents doing wrong? Why aren't more kids embracing the faith they were raised with? And what can YOU do to change it for your own children?

  • Family Faith-Building Academy is the answer to the question millions of Christian parents have wrestled with for decades. You'll learn the keys to building a strong and abiding faith in your children to confidently launch them into adulthood without fearing they will turn away from their faith. Katie will walk you step-by-step through everything you need to know to cultivate a vibrant faith in your kids in ways that are fun, meaningful, and memorable, so that they own their faith from childhood.

Build & Implement an EFFECTIVE Family Discipleship Strategy

in fun, meaningful, and memorable ways

Course curriculum

    1. Module Overview

    2. Module 1 Discussion/Homework

    3. Lesson 1: Examining Your Own Faith

    4. Lesson 2: Defining Our Family's Faith

    5. Lesson 3: Mindset Over Materials

    6. Lesson 4: Laying the Foundation

    7. Module 1 Additional Resources

    1. Module 2 Snapshot

    2. Module 2 Discussion/Homework

    3. Lesson 1: Redefining Worship

    4. Lesson 2: Creation Sings of His Glory

    5. Lesson 3: More Reasons to Praise Him

    6. Lesson 4: Thinking of Thanksgiving

    7. Module 2 Additional Resources

    1. Module 3 Snapshot

    2. Module 3 Discussion/Homework

    3. Lesson 1: Realistic Routines & Rhythms

    4. Lesson 2: Talking to Jesus

    5. Lesson 3: Learning to Listen

    6. Lesson 4: Making it Meaningful

    7. Module 3 Additional Resources

    1. Module 4 Snapshot

    2. Module 4 Discussion/Homework

    3. Lesson 1: Katie's FUN Bible Study Method for Families

    4. Lesson 2: Bringing the Bible to Life

    5. Lesson 3: Making it Concrete

    6. Lesson 4: Putting it into Context

    7. Module 4 Additional Resources

    1. Module 5 Snapshot

    2. Module 5 Discussion/Homework

    3. Lesson 1: Modeling Jesus

    4. Lesson 2: Taking Advantage of Teachable Moments

    5. Lesson 3: Building Biblical Character

    6. Lesson 4: Cultivating Connection

    7. Module 5 Additional Resources

About this course

  • $30.00
  • 43 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

Is this Course Right for You?

Are you a...

  • Christian Parent

    If you're tired of searching for resources to disciple your kids and feeling like no matter what you do, your faith isn't translating to your kids the way you want it to--you're in the right place. You're doing everything you can think of to instill a strong faith in your kids, but it still doesn't feel like it's enough. WE CAN HELP!

  • Busy Mom

    who's committed to discipling your kids but worried that you don't have enough time, energy, or resources to effectively disciple them while combatting everything the world throws at them each day. You want a stronger relationship with your kids, but aren't sure of the best way to grow your family's faith. THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!

  • Newer Christian

    If you're new(er) to your faith, struggling to do it all and worried you can't effectively disciple your kids because you're still trying to figure it out for yourself, this is the course for you too! We provide the support you need to build the firm faith foundation you want to build for yourself and your kids. YOU'RE NOT ALONE!

By the end of this course

You will have:

  • A Clear Discipleship Roadmap & Confidence to Implement it. You'll know exactly what you believe (and how to share your beliefs easily with others). Plus, you'll define what you want to instill in your children as they grow so you don't veer off-course or get lost along the journey.

  • A Redefined View of Worship. Develop a sense of wonder for yourself and your kids as you discover meaningful new ways to worship God together and cultivate a childlike faith.

  • A Passionate & Powerful Prayer Life. Break free from the routine prayer ruts and transform your prayer life as you teach your kids how to speak with and listen to Jesus throughout the day.

  • Deeper Understanding & Newfound Love for the Bible. Learn how to teach your kids to learn and love the Bible at every age and stage. Plus, discover Katie's very own F.U.N. Bible study method for families!

  • A Better Connection with your Child(ren). Discover the power of intentional parenting and learn how to create moments that matter with your kids.

  • Tools to Build Your Faith in Every Stage & Season. You'll walk away with the knowledge and resources to confidently disciple your kids through every age and stage of development. Plus, you'll discover how to stretch your own faith muscles too!

Bonus Material Included:

Incredible Resources at an Unbeatable Price!

  • 24 Unique Lessons + 2.5 Hours of Video Teachings

    $250 value

    This course provides 24 lessons strategically positioned to guide you step-by-step along your family discipleship journey without the confusion, frustration, or overwhelm

  • Downloadable Audio + Video + Transcripts

    $50 value

    When you purchase the course, you also receive access to download all of the videos. Plus, you can choose to download the videos in audio format to listen on the go, or download the written transcript if you prefer to read the information instead of listen to it!

  • 500+ Pages of Printable Resources

    $200 value

    In addition to the video lessons, you receive access to over 500 pages of exclusive printable resources to help you easily navigate every stage and season of discipleship with your kids. If you were to purchase each of these resources separately, it would cost over $200!


What others are saying about Family Faith-Building Academy

“As Christian mothers we are always being told we need to disciple our children, but no one ever tells you how to do it. Katie in the Family Faith Building Academy does just that. She breaks it down into simple ideas and examples of how to put discipleship into practice. But she goes one step further by having you solidify what you believe by taking the time to write it out. Because if you don't truly know what you believe, how can you pass those beliefs on to your children? I came away from this program with a stronger ability to express of my beliefs, with a sense of what I want to impart on my boys, and with the knowledge of how to go about doing it in our everyday life.”

Jennifer B. - Atlanta, Georgia

“Katie'sFamily Faith-Building Academy is a comprehensive guide to help you determine the foundation your family will build their faith on. The course is thought-provoking and helps you delve into the depths of what you believe. Katie also helps you discover ways to make worship, prayer, and Bible study a wonderful adventure for both you and your children. It's all about focusing on creating moments that matter, growing in grace, and helping your children build a foundation of faith that will last a lifetime. Ultimately, I feel better equipped to help my son grow in the belief that he is infinitely loved by his creator (and be unafraid to share that hope with the world). If you're struggling to find a way to disciple your children, I highly recommend this course.”

Jennifer D. - South Carolina

“As a homeschool mom of 7 years, I've seen that what's essential to a thriving and motivating homeschool commitment is support. Even with the best Christian curriculum on the market, I had to ask myself, 'Am I covering my foundational discipleship bases in my family?' When Katie launched this new course I knew I wanted to be one of the first to get my spot reserved after the impact her first book, Dishing Up Devotions had left on my family by cultivating togetherness and drawing our hearts closer to each other and the Lord (I literally ran to Amazon and purchased copies for my friends in no time.) Especially with the age ranges my children are (12 down to newborn), I look forward to Katie's insight and expertise on family and faith-filled discipleship!”

Millie R. - South Carolina

“Katie is such an inspirational and compassionate encourager! She has truly helped me lead a better homeschool life built in God and helped me find the confidence in myself as a teacher to my own children! I am so grateful to have found her.”

Tori G. - Arizona


Katie J Trent

Author & Speaker

Katie puts the FUN back into the FUNdamentals of Family Discipleship! She's a bestselling author of "Dishing Up Devotions: 36 Faith-Building Activities for Homeschooling Families," & "Recipes for a Sweet Child: Creative, Bible-based Activities to Help Your Family Thrive" as well as a popular speaker, blogger, and homeschool mama. Katie utilizes her background in counseling, ministry, and church planting alongside her amazing husband, James, to build strong faith-filled families.


  • How do I know if this course aligns with my beliefs?

    If you are a Bible-believing, Jesus loving disciple, this course is for you! This program isn't designed to tell you what or how to believe. It's created to empower you to instill YOUR faith in a way that truly connects with your kids and builds a strong, enduring faith through an approach that is fun, meaningful, and memorable. In the first module, Katie guides you through how to clearly define your family's beliefs and values in a way that is simple and 100% Bible-based. In the majority of resources where scriptures are cited, Katie provides options in the King James Version (KJV) or English Standard Version (ESV) so you can choose your preference. And you're always encouraged to read from and search through your own personal Bibles.

  • How will this course help me if I've already been discipling my kids for years?

    You're in a great place to start Family Faith-Building Academy! You already know how important discipleship is and you've prioritized it in your family! Family Faith-Building Academy will help you reexamine what you've been doing and determine how to maximize the time you have left with your kids to assure you make the greatest impact and build the strongest foundation you can before you launch them into adulthood. Research shows that a staggering amount of children who grow up in Christian homes and participate in regular routine spiritual disciplines are still leaving their faith in alarming numbers. Why? Because their faith became routine and lost its relevancy. It wasn't meaningful, memorable, and fun. It didn't translate to transformation and wasn't rooted in intimate relationships with God and their parents. Family Faith-Building Academy is the missing ingredient in your family's recipe for a vibrant faith. This course will provide you with the tools you need to reevaluate your strategy moving forward and give you everything you need to put the FUN back into the FUNdamentals of family discipleship. It will help you make the most of the time you have left with your children in your home.

  • If I've already purchased a Bible curriculum, do I still need this course?

    That's great that you've already chosen Bible-based curriculum! This course is designed to compliment what you're already doing for family discipleship. AND, it will give you the tools you need to make sure you're not wasting a bunch of time, money, or energy on things that don't matter along your family discipleship journey! Consider Family Faith-Building Academy the ice cream base to your discipleship sundae. You'll be able to build a foundation from the course and add in whatever flavors, mix-ins, and toppings you choose along the way to personalize your journey to meet your family's unique needs. This course provides the framework for success so you can feel confident knowing you've faithfully stewarded the few short years you have to train up your children in the ways of the Lord.

  • Do I have a limited amount of time to access this program?

    You have lifetime access! Also, all of the Family Faith-Building Academy content is downloadable, meaning you can save the lessons onto your computer, so you will always have access to it. Whenever, wherever.

  • Is it too soon to start the course if my child is still a baby or I'm not yet a parent?

    Now's the PERFECT time to take this course! You'll be able to establish a solid foundation from the beginning and have the tools you need to develop a successful family discipleship strategy without all the stress, confusion, and overwhelm of trying to figure it all out by yourself!

  • How is this course different from all the free discipleship resources I access each year?

    Conferences and masterclasses are great for encouragement and tackling various faith-building topics. However, you could spend hours and hours searching for and watching workshops from different speakers, struggling to implement all the various strategies and end up feeling more confused, frustrated, and overwhelmed--wasting years trying to figure out what works for your family. But with Family Faith-Building Academy, you have a clear roadmap and personal guide to walk with you through everything you need to know to effectively disciple your kids in just 6 weeks! You'll get a proven plan to eliminate the overwhelm and help you feel confident and capable of building a firm foundation of faith in fun, meaningful, and memorable ways.

  • What is the return policy?

    I’m 100% committed to supporting you in your family discipleship journey. If you are committed to going through the lessons and doing the accompanying activities — then I promise you, you WILL experience transformation in your family faith-building! And if you can show me that you’ve gone through the steps, done the work, and still don’t feel that you have a solid faith-building foundation in place, then I insist that you reach out within 14 days to get 100% of your investment back. For more information, please refer to our Return Policy.

Join Now & Start Putting the FUN Back in the FUNdamentals of Family Discipleship